Every time you buy a new Linux cloud website hosting package, it's created on a server and the process typically takes some time, not mentioning the verification and processing of the payment, which most companies perform personally. When you purchase a dedicated server, for instance, the configuration takes longer as the machine must be assembled, installed and tried in order to ensure that it'll operate the right way. By reason of this, various providers have a one-time charge in order to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The charge, which sometimes is high, is often not mentioned on the front page, and you'll find it on the checkout or payment page, which means that you will not be aware of it before you've already gone through the whole signup process and you can even miss it if you do not pay attention.
Setup Fee in Cloud Website Hosting
Our cloud website hosting plans lack any sort of installation charges or any other obscured charges as a general rule. When you order your account, we will process your fee immediately and then your account will be created and activated by our system straight away. The total cost that you will be required to pay for your web hosting package is identical everywhere - on the main, order & payment pages, and you will not find or have to pay anything besides that cost at any time. This is valid even if you obtain a number of accounts because it's our principle that creating trust is far more important than getting a couple of more dollars. Our account activation will be immediate, so that you will be able to proceed and start building your sites immediately.